Return-to-Work Program

Workers returning from an injury are more than three times likely to (re)injure themselves than uninjured workers.

So it’s critical that employers enact a return-to-work program to ensure workers returning to the job from an injury or extended absence do so safely.

WorkSTEPS Return-To-Work Program.

WorkSTEPS offers diverse programming specifically designed to objectively determine if the employee is capable of safely returning to "full duty".

Get your workers back to “full duty" quickly and safely with the following:

Fit for Duty Exams

WorkSTEPS Functional Fit for Duty testing safely and objectively determines if an employee returning to work post-injury can still safely perform the essential functions of the job. Because treating physicians rarely measure functional performance as part of a rehabilitation and treatment process, it’s imperative that employers ensure that an employee has not deconditioned during their absence and recovery and are still able to safely perform the essential functions of the job.  

Occupational Health Exams

For positions that have regulatory requirements, occupational health exams cover a wide range of medical services which may be required or recommended to get someone back to work, such as CDL exams for commercial drivers or fit testing for someone using a new respirator model.  

Get Started

Top-tier companies create their occupational health programs with WorkSTEPS.